Benefits of moving to Toronto for international students

8 benefits of moving to Toronto as an international student

If you are considering to become an international student, one of the best places you can move to is Toronto, Canada. The city offers a multitude of possibilities for learning, self-discovery, and building your personal and professional networks. Here are the highlights of what to expect when you decide to pursue your international studies in […]

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soft skills to have

The soft skills that all international students need to know

What are soft skills and why are they important, especially to international students? Soft skills, by definition, are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. Jobs nowadays are very different from the previous generation and to truly succeed, you’ll need much more than just academic achievements to land a […]

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study tips 101

Study tips 101

The semester has begun and we can finally see ourselves falling into a routine. However, this is where we start to get a little too comfortable to put it lightly. We start pushing things aside claiming to go back to it later, only for later to come and have all the things to-do pile up. […]

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International students in Canada

International students in Canadian economy

Let’s start with some statistics! Canada ranks fourth in international student population behind USA, United Kingdom, and China. Federal Government data shows that Canada had fewer than 500,000 international students at the end of 2017. Between 2008 and 2016, the number of international students studying in Canada increased by 87.0%! The student population has nearly […]

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international students

Why you should study at a private career college

If we look at the history, there was a time only rich and privileged people had access to education. Now in twenty first century we believe that everyone has the right to education. Education is the ‘multiplier’ of other human rights. The objective of education is the development of a person to participate in society […]

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