top 5 tips on adjusting to a new country

Top 5 tips on adjusting to a new country

Coming to another country is not easy, it is natural to be nervous thinking about how you will adapt here. You thought that you might get a little bit lost but worry not, in this article, we’ll tell you some tips that will help you adjust to a new country as an international student!  1.Adopt […]

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ontario helping workers start new careers

Ontario helping workers start new careers

We’re delighted with the latest update from the Ontario government through this news release that the province is increasing financial supports and simplifying the application process for individuals applying to the Second Career government funding program. As the province’s economy begins to reopen, these changes will make it easier for laid-off and unemployed workers to pursue training […]

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IT skills to learn

Shortage in tech skills requires fast training programs. What skills to learn?

The tech skills shortage is now even more acute because of the pandemic that has dramatically accelerated the shift, including cutting short four-year degree post-secondary education to training programs tailored for the jobs on offer, according to a recent report by the Financial Post.  Here’s the logic: technology is constantly changing and shifting very quickly so […]

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future of supply chain and logistics

Looking to the future of supply chain and logistics

Rapid shifts in supply chains, like COVID-19, are forcing data scientists, analysts, and business leaders alike to invest in data science and analytic technologies.  Companies keep looking for individuals who have logistic management training. Its because these individuals can spot a complication. They then proceed to provide the best possible solution. It’s nice to study […]

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soaring IT demand

Soaring demand for Canadian IT talents

A recent report by CompTIA Cyberprovinces™ shows the Canadian tech sector continues to post strong job growth, demonstrated by the nearly 135,000 job postings in 2019. Net-tech employment increased by nearly 60,000 positions in 2019, a growth rate of 3.6% over the previous year, and now totals an estimated 1.72 million workers. Since 2011, net tech employment in […]

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Top 5 things to research before studying abroad

The top 5 things to research before studying abroad

Studying abroad is one of the most exciting chapters of a student’s life. It is a unique experience that provides the perfect opportunity to travel, meet new friends, learn a new language, and, of course, obtain a world-class education. For some, however, moving to another country isn’t an easy transition and there are challenges along […]

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IT enterprise manager

Becoming an enterprise IT professional

Enterprise IT management is a role that involves crafting IT management to boost business value. In general, EITM aims to focus on supporting the IT activities that provide value to the business. Technically, an enterprise IT management consultant or manager plans, designs, and manages an enterprise network in a Cisco LAN/WAN environment using any OS […]

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computerized accounting program at CCHS

The 7 advantages of computerized accounting

While traditional accounting includes a collection of processes, procedures, and controls designed to collect, record, classify and summarize financial data, computerized accounting utilizes computers and accounting software to record, store and analyze financial data. A computerized accounting system brings with it many advantages that are unavailable to analog accounting systems. If your organization hasn’t implemented […]

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midlife career change for second career

Midlife career change, is it possible?

To briefly answer the question, YES! You may be tired of working from 9 to 5 in a dead-end job or looking for much more financial stability, or you feel it’s about time to do something you’re passionate about and love to do every day. The pandemic has a lot of impact on our lives, […]

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