Today, we’re using different forms of artificial intelligence (AI) to power our daily tasks. Smartphones have AI that helps with routines, search, and taking photos. Vehicles also come equipped with a form of AI that assists with parking, collisions, and cruise control. Despite the fears about artificial intelligence taking over humankind, there is one takeaway from all this: AI technology has many benefits and endless applications.
What is AI?
AI is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science that builds smart machines. These machines are capable of performing complex tasks, even ones that require human intelligence.
AI works by using machines to replicate human intelligence. In other words, the computer learns how to respond to certain actions through algorithms and historical data which results in the performance of tasks such as decision-making, translation, and even speech recognition.
Why should you study AI?
1. It is the skill of the century.
Work shortly, if it’s not already, involves automation, and as such everyone should know a thing or two about AI. Acquiring such a skill will future-proof your career. The rise of AI will also create many job opportunities in various industries.
2. AI-related jobs are in demand and the talent is still scarce
Pursuing any qualification in this field not only means a decent salary but also bright career prospects. The median salary of a role in data science and artificial intelligence is CAD 83,370, according to Ontario’s labor market.
3. AI is versatile
The use of AI will eventually affect many facets of human life rather than merely a computer and space-related industries. It also plays a significant role in healthcare, finance as well as the legal industry.
4. The impact on society
Artificial intelligence enhances users’ lifestyle choices by using search algorithms that provide targeted information. AI can handle all mundane tasks. AI-powered smart homes can cut down on energy use and provide better security. The use of AI is capable of creating, transforming, and improving many facets of human life. Some countries are even implementing AI in improving environmental planning, disaster management, and crime prevention.
5. Better user experience all around
Implementing AI in various industries involves applying intelligence to machines and technology used regularly by humans as AI does not work in isolation from devices. A popular example would be virtual assistants to improve an existing product with enhanced features which benefit the user.
What are your career opportunities in artificial intelligence?
Given the booming demand for AI specialists, a qualification in this field can be your ticket into any modern industry..
According to this article, research advisory Gartner predicts that AI will create 2.3 million new jobs by the end of 2020, despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Tech giants are only expanding their scope of AI research and development. Companies need AI experts to upgrade all sorts of processes, from logistics to sales.
You can break into data analytics, user experience, natural language processing, or software engineering. You can even choose to explore academia by carrying out crucial AI research.
Canadian College for Higher Studies offers Advanced Diploma in Data Science & Artificial. Within 28 weeks, you will learn all the essential AI modules such as Phyton Programming, Machine Learning, ERP, SAP S/4HANA for Big Data, Linux and Unix, and many more. Do you need help to pay for your tuition? Take advantage of the Ontario government program called Second Career. If you’re unemployed or on maternity/paternity leave, or have been laid off, you may qualify to receive up to $28,000 in funding so that you get yourself retrained for our diploma program. Email us today at to learn more.