This is a program run by the Ontario government that helps those who have been unemployed or laid-off to get the skills training that they need to get back to work. Formerly, you needed to be laid-off along with other criteria.
Let's see if you are eligible!
Have been laid-off and have not been working or are working a temporary job just to cover jobs.
Have not been laid-off but have been unemployed for six months or longer and are part of a low-income household.
You can still apply if you receive either: - Employment Insurance (EI) - Ontario Works (OW) - Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)
You can also fast-track your application if you have been laid-off due to COVID-19!
Need more information? Not sure how to proceed? Take this quick questionnaire so we can help you better!
( will only take a few minutes of your time)